57 8th March 2004 THIS WEEK: The elogon survey, ilanetweb update, New Tools for Collaboration, The Worlds oil is about half gone, Quick links, Issues for the United States, The Pentagon on Global warning,Of Professional Interest, Mars Images,ILANET info
56 16th Dec 2003 ilanetweb update,A Colour Code Introduced on Database Pages, elogon Survey,Australian Company Information,Quick links, The Philosophy behind the Bush Administration,A Giant of Science Fiction,The Boyer Lectures,Of Professional Interest,America the Bankrupt,ILANET-INFO
55 9th Oct 2003 THIS WEEK:ilanetweb update,Librarians and free speech,New Science resources,Quick Links,The 2003 webby awards,Oral History,The Nobel and other prizes 2003,The future of the librarian, a tale of copyright and ISSNs for blogs,American Debt,elogon reader survey.
54 30th July 2003 THIS WEEK:Westlaw now available via ilanetweb,ilanetweb update,SETIS,Inside the Brain,Einstein's papers,Quick Links,The invasion of Mars,House of cards,New full text on the Web.
53 19th May 2003 THIS WEEK: Westlaw soon to be available via ilanetweb,Scale and AUSTLII content offering improves, Library Blogs: Another look,More Gloom than Boom, Quick links, More Beautiful images, The best of the Australian Web, Fifty years of DNA, Americans in Iraq.
52 27th February 2003 THIS WEEK:Information Online 2003, Books 24x7 trial, The loss of Columbia, More Invisible Web, End Game in Iraq, Quick links, Comprehensive Computer Science, Australian Agriculture Databases
51 16th November 2002 THIS WEEK: TimeBase Trial Extended, Best Wishes for the holiday Season, Quick Links, Bibliotheca Alexandrina Opens,Librarians Strike back
50 2nd Oct 2002 THIS WEEK: Fifty and counting, Free TimeBase Trial, Free Trial of Global Books in Print, Debating the future in Johannesburg, Law resources, Independent Media, Training Dates, Quick links, Up on the roof, John Nash - A Brilliant Madness & America one year on.
49 15th Aug 2002 THIS WEEK:Focus on Document Delivery, Tracking Equity Markets,Crisis in American Capitalism,Merck Source & MedPix,Quick links,Ancient History,Gabriel,American Dissent & Kinetica Update.
48 6th June 2002 THIS WEEK: ALIA 2002 papers online, Free Access to New Zealand Statistics, Library Weblogs, New Search Engine developments, Quick links, xrefer & xrefer plus, In Memory of Stephen J Gould & More Images from Space.
47 5th April 2002 THIS WEEK: Dialog1 and ABR now available,Scientific American,Interlibrary Loan System upgrade, Kinetica adds access to CURL and WorldCat,Visual Interfaces to Web based Searches,Quick links,Free trial of ProQuest Learning,The Scientific World & Corante
46 15 January 2002 THIS WEEK: ABIX Online now available via ilanetweb,ABR and Dialog1 available next month, Jointly Administered Knowledge Environment, Account Transparency Extended Further,Quick links, Hero of the Planet, Training in Western Australia, Our Best Wishes for 2002
45 29 October 2001 THIS WEEK: Joint Venture with Australian Business Research, ilanetweb & database content update, Australian Literature Gateway, New UK Web resources, Quick links, Matthew Flinders Journal Online, Happy Tenth Birthday,Linux,2001 Nobel & other Prizes, Federal Election 2001, The Empire Strikes Back, ILANET-INFO
44 17 September, 2001: THIS WEEK: News Store now available via ilanetweb, More publications added to Newstext, Faster access to ilanetweb,Full Text Books Online, Quick links, Library lists,Economics Resources,Database Content update, Tragedy in New York.
43 14 August, 2001: THIS WEEK: News Store,ilanetweb Developments,Social Criticism on the Net,Copyright and the Tasini decision,United States Copyright Search, Quick links, The Knowledge Nation Agenda, Where is Neale?,The Myths of Missile Defence, ILANET-INFO.
42 23 June, 2001: THIS WEEK: iSELECT for schools ready for release on 1 July. EINS Web, Questions of Inequality, Australian Journalism Resources, Quick links, Biodiversity resources, A Tribute to Douglas Adams,ILANET-INFO
41 9 May, 2001: THIS WEEK: ABI/Inform Trade & Industry, iSELECT for schools under development, Science Sources, Quick links, The open source movement, Postmodern essay generator
40 9 April, 2001: THIS WEEK: Informit debut, More Newslinks, The UNESCO Library Portal, Quick links, Fun with XML?, New Metaguides, Solar system simulator,ILANET-INFO
39 15 February, 2001: 1.THIS WEEK: Proquest goes live, Informit Online, NewsText Content Expanded, News on the Web, Quick links, ilanetweb Developments, Genome update, Second Fall.
38 December 8, 2000: 1.THIS WEEK: Free Trial of Informit Online and UMI Proquest,Our ILL System and your ILRS entry,Greenhouse Debate Warms Up,Resource Discovery Network, Quick links, Documenting Democracy, Information Online 2001
37 October 24, 2000: THIS WEEK: See you at ALIA, Informit trial back on track, Deep but not necessarily Invisible, Australian Business Review Weekly Full Text, Middle East News, Australian Trade data loaded onto TradStatWeb, Quick links, New Indigenous Resources. How to contact ILANET
36 September 22, 2000: THIS WEEK: New at ilanetweb, ilanetweb Database Training Page, Science Resources Expanded, New Content from Vendors, Instant Messaging Matures, Quick Links, Commerce meets belief, Olympics Links, The searchable Bard. How to contact ILANET
35 July 19, 2000: THIS WEEK: NewsText Free Trial, Images from Space, FindArticles.com, Fedworld, NewsAgent Delivers. How to subscribe to, and unsubscribe from, elogon How to contact ILANET
34 July 9, 2000: THIS WEEK: NewsText replaces Presscom, CISTI Document Delivery Available, Informit Trial Delayed, Goods and Services Tax A Draft of the Genome, The Spoken Word,Quick links - library alert services, Free full text Biomedical Journals on BioMedNet
33 May 25, 2000: THIS WEEK: 1.THIS WEEK: New Service Deployment, DataStar Web, Web Searching, The "Unofficial" Asia, Quick Links, The last Librarian
32 14 April 2000 THIS WEEK: Major new Australian content initiative, Another service milestone, Managing ilanetweb InterLibrary Loans, The Full Text, Merck Manual of Medical Information, GST, UK Law resources, Solar Images
31 March 20, 2000: THIS WEEK:VALA 2000, Account Transparency Extended, New "Keyword" feature, Researching International Trade, The Outlook for Online Services, Elements on the Web.
30 January 12, 2000: THIS WEEK: Thanks!, JAVA Telnet, New Account Services, Behind the Holidays, VALA E-Logon.
29 December 2, 1999: THIS WEEK: New InterLibrary Loan System wins acceptance, End of an Era, DataStar gets expensive, ILANET quick picks: Science Resources.
28 October22, 1999: THIS WEEK: New InterLibrary Loan System now available on ilanetweb Word about Browsers BioMedNet, Bulk ILL upload Templates, ILANET Quick Picks.
27 September 16, 1999: THIS WEEK: Indonesia, ilanetweb Net guides, Formal ILAMAIL Y2K advice, Dialog Select Debut.
26 August 25, 1999: Dialog Select goes live, HyperHistory, Infotrieve proves popular, ILANET ILL redevelopment.
25 August 4, 1999: Austlii- a New gateway to Australia's premier legal site, Books online, Easier Accounting, New facility for bulk upload of InterLibrary Loan requests.
24 July 8, 1999: Coming soon - Dialog Select, Catchword, The Online Literary Criticism Collection, ABN Decommissioned, ILANET at CPLA .
23 June 9, 1999: Lower Prices for Infotrieve, Price Finalised for Kinetica via ILANET, Staff changes at ILANET.
22 May 18, 1999: Publist, Help using Internet search Engines, Australia's Cultural Network
21 April 12, 1999: Test drive ilanetweb, Internet Courses Online, Infotrieve Document Delivery Service
20 March 24, 1999: Lexis-Nexis Directory of Online Services, Access to DIALOG through ILANET, ABIX Document Delivery Service
19 March 3, 1999: Economist on the Web, PICMAN Database, ILANET Survey Results
18 February 5, 1999: ILANET and Kinetica, Online On Disc 99 round-up, Informit Online Trial
17 January 15, 1999: Investment data on Lexis-Nexis, Online On Disc 99, More on ABIX and ANZBiP on Lexis-Nexis
16 December 24, 1998: ABIX and ANZBiP on Lexis-Nexis, Keeping up to date with database information, US Patents Databases
15 December 7, 1998: Using the web more efficiently, Drug information, ILANET and Kinetica, changes to OCLC FirstSearch
14 November 16, 1998: CISTI Information, ALIA98 Round-up, ILANET Account Queries
13 October 21, 1998: ALIA98, Mental Health and the Medical Journal of Australia, Preferred email addresses
12 October 1, 1998: ILANET domain goes live, Electoral web sites
11 September 11, 1998: Index to International Organization Web sites, Updated GUI Manual, OCLC Firstsearches
10 August 28, 1998: Hoovers Company Information, AltaVista Discovery, Birthdays and invoices
9 August 11, 1998: Year 2000 Information, ILANET integration, CRT for telnet
8 July 24, 1998: Securities Commission web site, ILANET Future Directions, More Australian Statistical Data, DIALOG Searchers Toolkit
7 July 10, 1998: ILANET Technical difficulties, DIALOG Price Reduction, Australian Statistical Data on the Internet, Your favourite Internet resources
6 June 25, 1998: ILANET proxying solution, the Scout Report, WWW7 and style, DIALOG Seminars update
5 June 15, 1998: Document Delivery options through ILANET, Medscape and Medpulse, ABN Pricing through ILANET
4 May 29, 1998: Field Searching on the Web, ILANET Bandwidth, WWW7 Evolvability, AUSINET and ILANET
3 May 13, 1998: DIALOG Price Changes, ILANET Training, DIALOG Seminars, QLD Legislation on the Internet
2 April 27, 1998: WWW7, More Lexis-Nexis, OCLC FirstSearch, INFOQUICK
1 April 6, 1998: Forum, Lexis-Nexis, ILANET Bulletin Board, BUBL guide